Scooter and wheelchair racks are non-powered platform racks that tilt down to the pavement, allowing for loading of a wheelchair or scooter. One simply stands beside the tilted platform and drives the scooter or wheelchair on to the carrier. The weight of the mobility vehicle causes the platform to automatically drop to the level position, ready for securing with tie downs. Rack type platform carriers may have seat belt type tie downs mounted on the platform, or corner rings for tie down convenience. Some racks have fold up features that keep them stowed on the back of the vehicle when not in use, such as when in a parking lot, and some do not. If you need this feature be sure to check with us or closely review our site information for your racks features.
Since wheelchair and scooter rack carriers do not have swing away options you must also consider whether or not trunk access or rear suv/van door access is going to be a concern. In most cases you will be able to access a trunk from the side, but rear doors on suv’s and vans are not always accessible.
When using any platform type rack as a carrier for a wheelchair or scooter you should always use a cover. Road chips will be thrown up by the car and other vehicles. Typically the covers used for this purpose will have a short life as compared to stationary coverings. We advise our customers to keep a spare cover handy in case of cover damage. A great temporary cover to keep on hand is a standard grill cover available at hardware stores. Just measure your wheelchair or scooter and select a grill cover of similar size. This is great insurance for unexpected situations.
Call 1-800-470-8910 For Free Help To Check Accessibility Rear Doors And Trunks Using Racks