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Universal Design: Bringing Your Home Or Business Up To Code

Posted August 12, 2013

You may not be aware of it, but buildings that are constructed today need to meet certain codes that include providing certain accessibility accommodations made for those with disabilities. It is important to do this because those who do have a disability are still a highly important part of our life, and they need to be able to enter the buildings were they work, live, shop, and worship. 

Universal Design helps numerous individuals to get the kind of wheelchair lifts and other accessability products they need to get their buildings up to code. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that all employees be able to access their place of employment. Those who do not provide for individuals with disabilities are opening themselves up to a discrimination lawsuit. It is best to avoid this by having handicap lifts and the like. With those in place, the worry about a potential litigation situation disappears, at least on this matter. 

Purchasing the products needed to make a building up to code takes time and preparation. Not only are the products something that need to be budgeted for, but it is also true that the installation of these products takes some time. Depending on the nature of the construction of the building, more or less time may be required. 

Business owners have a lot of burden to bear when it comes to following building code law and not discriminating against their employees by accident. That being said, it is worth their time and efforts, because those with disabilities are just as good if not better than some of the other workers under their employee at their jobs. 

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