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Obtaining Reimbursement for Wheelchair or Scooter Lifts

Unfortunately Medicare / Medicaid will not reimburse for any kind of carrying device for wheelchairs or scooters. The good news is that Ford, GM, and Toyota still have mobility reimbursement programs that will reimburse you for adding mobility equipment to your vehicle. All the information you will need is shown below for your convenience.


Call 1-800-470-8910 For Free Help To Assist You With Installation Or Reimbursement Programs

Ford Motor Company Mobility Motoring Program

Ford Motors has a program whereby they reimburse new car buyers up to $1,200 of the cost of a new wheelchair or scooter lift. The program is constantly changing along with new model vehicles. Call our vehicle lift specialist at 1-800-470-8910 to learn more about this program or for more information you can contact the Ford Mobility Motoring Program toll free at 800-952-2248. In Canada call 800-565-8985.

GM Mobility Program

General Motors also offers reimbursements up to $1,000 of the total cost of a new wheelchair or scooter lift. The GM program also includes leased vehicles, trucks, and other models. Certain other equipment may qualify for GM’s program such driver controls. We suggest you contact our vehicle specialist at 1-800-470-8910 or contact the GM Mobility Assistance Center at 800-323-9935. In Canada call 800-263-3777 or 905-644-6624.

Toyota Mobility

Program Toyota and Lexus provide cash reimbursement of up to $1,000 for the cost of purchasing and installing qualifying wheelchair lifts or scooter lifts. Toyota and Lexus extend the reimbursement for new leases as well as purchases. You may contact Toyota or Lexus for eligibility requirements,, or any authorized Toyota or Lexus dealer.

We are always ready to help. Call 800-470-8910 To Speak With Our Specialists.



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